On Valuation front four tech firms — Apple, Alphabet, Amazon and Facebook — with a combined market cap of $7.3tn are now worth more than all 2,187 companies that make up the Topix stock market in Tokyo (Source: Insider weekly)
There are Japan focused ETFs listed in the US with exposure to listed companies operating in Japan (available for investment by Indian citizens)
Rising energy prices is inflationary, so unless we see these prices falling; the entire argument of calling inflation ‘transitory’ goes for a toss.
There are Energy focused ETFs listed in the US with focus on companies involved in exploration/production & distribution (available for investment by Indian citizens)
High steel prices have manufacturers scrounging for supplies - 9/15/21
https://www.wsj.com/articles/high-steel-prices-have-manufacturers-scrounging-for-supplies-11631698202What’s taking the Fed so long and when will it stop QE & hike rates? This Week FOMC gave us a clue.
Having said that, is hard to miss the positive correlation between Equity markets & Global liquidity since the beginning of present series of QE.
It is so easy to see the bubble but waiting for it to unwind takes years & it is the waiting that is the hardest part
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