Benjamin Franklin once said that, the only two certainties in life are death and taxes. Death is unavoidable, but taxes can be reduced under certain circumstances, provided you understand the tax laws of the country well and make the right investment decisions. Unfortunately, many investors do not understand the tax consequences of their investment. The result is that, they either end up paying more taxes (getting lower returns) than expected or they do not disclose the correct taxable income in the Income Tax Returns (ITR).
Mutual funds are one of the most tax friendly investment options for investors in India. Tax benefits of mutual funds are much more compared to most traditional investment options in India, e.g. bank fixed deposits, Government small savings schemes etc. Most traditional investment options for retail investors in India are taxed as per the income tax slab rate of the investor.
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However, different types of mutual funds are taxed differently, depending on the nature of income / profits. Let us first discuss tax benefits of mutual funds from the profits arising from sale of mutual fund units – Capital gains.
Capital Gains: Capital gain is the appreciation in the value of the units of a mutual fund at the time of the sale. From a tax standpoint, there are two types of capital gains.
Dividends: Dividends are profits returned by a mutual fund scheme to the investor at regular intervals. However, the intervals are not certain and dividend amount is also not fixed. Mutual fund dividends received by investors are tax free in their hand. However, the dividend distribution tax (DDT) has to be paid by the AMC and thus has an impact on the final dividend received by the investor. Let us discuss dividend taxation for equity and non-equity funds.
You can check here – Historical dividends of mutual funds
Mutual funds are among the most tax efficient investment options for investors in India. Investors should educate themselves about the tax benefits of mutual funds vis a vis other investment options, so that they can make the best investment decisions for their short term and long term investment needs.
Suggested reading: Mutual Funds in India has the right solutions for all your investment needs